I love this picture. I chose this one over the formal professional headshot that is traditionally meant to convey tenure and expertise. I’m confident I can convey tenure and expertise through the content of this website and blog titled, A Wise Woman Once Said.  Even better, the intent of the blog is to share  insights and observations from almost two decades of working in psychotherapy, to offer connection, and information gained from many conversations with women, girls and families, from the virtual or literal couch. And that sort of magic cannot be captured
in a single headshot.

But why the snow cone? A snow cone transports me back to a time when life was much simpler and easier. Memories of hearing the ice cream truck rolling up the street, watching a horror movie on a Saturday night at a slumber party, or burning fingertips on hot aluminum foil Jiffy Pop balloon conjures feelings of happiness, connectedness, and sweet nostalgia.  Can you remember an easier or simpler moment in time? Maybe a  memory that you can recall on demand in order to summon pleasurable emotions? 

Fast forward to today…Adulting, parenting and navigating day-to-day demands may be easy, simple and pleasurable, but they can also be demanding, exhausting and overwhelming. Being able to cope, using cognitive refocusing for example, is just one of the many skills clients
learn in therapy,  and use to regulate unhelpful thoughts and feelings. This is one of many ways in which to reduce one’s own symptoms of anxiety or depression. 

I believe  in order to live fully we must learn how to; Reconcile thoughts, emotions and behaviors that are often incongruent, Gain perspective to know that we can weather the conflict, and not be overwhelmed by it, as well as Give ourselves permission to make meaningful change that safeguards health, and serves our needs. 

While you don‘t need permission from anyone but yourself to do what’s best for you, consider making today the last day you create excuses to avoid taking care of yourself. Trust yourself. It will be ok

Cheering for you, 

Email me : appointment@stacyrodrenlmhc.com
Call me : (646) 801-1464