She Had A Type

She Had A Type…

And it wasn’t the boy next door, the childhood crush, her first boyfriend or the boy she lost her virginity to.

It wasn’t the Nice Jewish boy or the boy from the church picnic.

It wasn’t the Bruh, the Chad or the Frat Bro.

It wasn’t the type who bought her dinner and expected sex in the car before he dropped her at home.

It wasn’t the colleague, the boss, or the guy who promised to leave his wife for her.

It wasn’t the guy who drugged and assaulted her at the bar, or the tall dark and handsome type.

It wasn’t the one she shared meals, moments or her bed with for 9 long years.

It wasn’t the type she married and divorced.


Her type was the one she fell in love with.

The type with a sense of play and silliness that kept her rolling in laughter.

The type with the vulnerability and strength to ride life’s joy and devastation as those waves would crash at the shore, over and over again.

The type who looked her in the eye, and made her feel seen without a single word.

The type who made promises and worked to keep every one.

The type who lived fully without keeping score, pretense or agenda.

The type with unyielding patience and generosity of spirit.


Her type was a woman and she knew it. And now she wanted everyone to know she too finally had a type.



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